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Don’t Go It Alone, Call McGlone

Can My Injury Settlement Be Taken to Pay Overdue Child Support or Alimony Payments?

Statue of lady justice holding scales and gavel on wooden table.

If you owe child support or alimony payments, you may wonder if the state of Indiana can take the proceeds from your expected injury settlement. The state does have the legal right to place a lien on settlements that injury victims receive to pay past-due arrearages.

If you expect to receive an injury settlement but also owe child support or alimony and are behind on child support or alimony payments, you need to speak with a knowledgeable attorney immediately. Contact our law firm and ask to schedule a free initial consultation to learn more about your legal rights.

Can a Large Financial Settlement Affect My Child Support or Alimony Payments?

Typically, child support and alimony payments are determined by the amount of income an individual generates. If you are expecting to or already have received a large financial settlement, it could affect the amount you are obligated to pay going forward. The other parent or your former spouse could go back to court and ask to modify your payment amount to meet your present financial situation.

Can Indiana Place a Lien on My Injury Settlement?

If you are behind on your child support payments, Indiana has the legal right to place a lien on your settlement or any future compensation you may receive. Once the settlement is finalized, the total amount of money you owe in back child support will be deducted before you are able to receive whatever money is left.

Is My Former Spouse Entitled to Receive Any Money From My Injury Settlement?

A personal injury settlement could be considered marital property if the accident occurred before or during the marriage. If the settlement is determined to be marital property, the court rules that it be divided equally between both spouses. Your former spouse may also be entitled to a portion of your settlement even if you file it after your divorce as long as the accident occurred during your marriage.

How Can Your Law Firm Help Me?

If you have been injured and are expecting a personal injury settlement but also owe child support or alimony payments, you need to speak with a qualified attorney who may be able to help. Our attorneys recognize that you may be behind on your payments because you are injured and unable to work.

Our law firm is dedicated to assisting personal injury victims in all aspects of their claims and will be happy to sit down and discuss your rights and potential legal options. Contact our law offices by calling (812) 247-8416 and asking to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

We work diligently and compassionately to give our clients the legal representation they deserve to recover total compensation for their personal injury claims.
Call Us Now –  (812) 247-8416

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