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Don’t Go It Alone, Call McGlone​

Do Some Car Accident Injuries Appear Mild or Delayed?

Do Some Car Accident Injuries Appear Mild or Delayed?

An automobile accident could leave someone with severe injuries that require immediate attention. A driver whose head strikes the windshield may suffer terrible lacerations or worse. Not all injuries are apparent, though. Some Indiana car accident victims may choose not to receive immediate attention because things appear fine. Such a decision could prove regrettable as some serious injuries could come with delayed or mild symptoms.

Injuries and Potentially Delayed Symptoms

Ignoring headaches or dizziness could prove to be regrettable. Without a proper examination, diagnosing how serious a head injury might prove virtually impossible. An accident victim could suffer from a concussion, skull fracture, or any other number of problems.

Shoulder, back, and neck pain may seem mild, but the actual injury could be far from minor. A person may feel “uncomfortable” after an accident and not realize the underlying issue is a broken neck. Pain could indicate spinal cord damage, herniated discs, and other dire problems.

Be Mindful of Anything Wrong

Numbness and tingling might not be as alarming as sharp pains. Once again, no one knows why numbing or tingling occurs unless a doctor performs an evaluation. Hoping things will get better may lead to the opposite result – things could worsen, and complications might arise.

Someone may feel stomach pain, and the problem could indicate internal bleeding. The pain might be mild, but the condition might be life-threatening.

Ultimately, an accident victim takes risks when self-diagnosing. Complications are possible after an accident. If blood clotting occurs, a person’s life may be in serious jeopardy. Again, a thorough examination could be vital to preserving someone’s well-being after a car crash. Victims of car accidents that were the fault of another motorist might want to have an attorney’s assistance when seeking compensation for their losses.

We work diligently and compassionately to give our clients the legal representation they deserve to recover total compensation for their personal injury claims.
Call Us Now –  (812) 247-8416

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