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Car Color May Play a Role in Motor Vehicle Accidents

Car Color May Play a Role in Motor Vehicle Accidents

For Indiana residents considering a new vehicle, the color is often important. However, beyond aesthetics, people may be unaware about how the hue might impact safety. As unusual as it sounds, the color of the vehicle could be a factor in motor vehicle accidents. When there is a collision with injuries, the car color should be considered when dealing with the aftermath.

Statistics for Auto Accidents Based on Car Color

A university study examined how car color affected auto accidents. It found that black cars have a 12% greater chance of being in a crash than white cars. After white, lighter colored vehicles like beige, yellow, and cream were also safer than black vehicles. Other research suggests that yellow vehicles were safer than white vehicles.

Darker vehicles – grey, silver, blue and red – have a statistically greater chance of being in an MVA than lighter vehicles. Grey came in at 11% higher, silver was 10% higher, and blue and red were at 7% higher each. The reason for the rate of crashes for darker colors being worse could be as simple as lighter vehicles being easier to see. This indication of visibility was found to be true regardless of the time of day.

Although this data is somewhat worrisome, it is possible that other reasons for collisions take precedence over color. Other common causes of accidents can include distraction, drivers who are under the influence, drowsy drivers, and recklessness.

Auto Accident Factors Can Be Crucial When Weighing Options

Make, model, and safety features are commonly at the top of the list of reasons people buy a vehicle. Still, many purchasers also want their cars to suit their aesthetics by buying a color that they find appealing. If safety is a priority, these studies might be critical when making the decision.

Other issues could be vital when thinking about alternatives to recover compensation. For example, Indiana has a two-year statute of limitations to file a claim for an MVA. Medical expenses, lost wages, utility bills, and more can be challenges that need to be addressed. For guidance, caring professionals can analyze the case and help with deciding on the next step.

We work diligently and compassionately to give our clients the legal representation they deserve to recover total compensation for their personal injury claims.
Call Us Now –  (812) 247-8416

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