Don’t Go It Alone, Call McGlone​

Don’t Go It Alone, Call McGlone​

Reacting to Road Hazards as Safely as Possible

Reacting to Road Hazards as Safely as Possible

Most car trips end with everyone arriving safely at his or her destination. However, motor vehicle accidents are still a common cause of injury and death in Indiana.

Though most people are competent drivers in normal conditions, conditions aren’t always normal. It’s important to know how to avoid car crashes by reacting correctly to road hazards.


If you find yourself in a skid, remove your foot from the gas pedal immediately. Lightly steer toward a point farther along the road. If you try to correct the skid by oversteering in the opposite direction, you’ll quickly lose control of your car. You may even cause your vehicle to flip over.

Most importantly, don’t hit the brakes. When you hit the brakes, the skid only becomes worse. Without the use of your wheels, you won’t be able to regain control of your vehicle.

Tire Blowout

If your tire blows out while driving, your priority should be staying in control. Hold the steering wheel steady, and remove your foot from the gas pedal. Don’t hit the brakes. Instead, allow your vehicle to slow down naturally. As soon as you have a chance to safely pull over, get to the side of the road.


Fog can create a situation in which you’re driving blind, so avoid driving in it. Unfortunately, sometimes you don’t have a choice. If you’re surrounded by fog, traveling slowly is essential, so reduce your speed.

With reduced vision, you’ll want to enhance your other senses. Roll down your windows to hear what’s happening around you.

Of course, the best way to remain safe while driving is to avoid hazards instead of reacting to them. When that’s not possible, make sure you know how to handle whatever curveballs the road may throw at you to prevent getting into a motor vehicle accident.

We work diligently and compassionately to give our clients the legal representation they deserve to recover total compensation for their personal injury claims.
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