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Seeking Medical Treatment for Dog Bites

Seeking Medical Treatment for Dog Bites

Most people think that there’s a difference between wild animal bites and pet dog bites. However, bites from domesticated animals are similar to those from wild animals in that they can cause physical damage and transmit disease.

Indiana is among the states with the highest rates of dog bites. The greatest concern from dog bites is getting infected. Many animal bites result in rabies, a fatal disease transmitted through canines. Here are some vital steps to follow when getting medical attention after a dog bite.

Inquire About the Vaccination History

After a dog bite, move away from the dog to reduce the chances of another bite. If the owner is present, inquire about the vaccination history of the dog. Additionally, request any contact details. If the dog owner is not around, ask any witnesses present whether they know the owner. Unfortunately, even your own dog can bite you. Thus, ensure that you adhere to the state’s recommended rabies vaccination schedule.

Administer First Aid

The type of first aid for dog bites depends on the severity of the bite. For soft bites where the skin wasn’t broken, wash the area with soap. For extra precaution, apply antibacterial treatment. In case the bite is bleeding, dress the wound with a clean cloth to stop the blood flow. Additionally, continue monitoring for other symptoms.

When to Seek Help

It’s advisable that you seek treatment after a dog bite. Although not all dog bites require medical help, here are signs to look for that you should seek urgent treatment:

  • Wound that doesn’t stop bleeding
  • Exposed bones
  • Intense pain
  • Inflamed or swollen wound
  • Pus produced by the wound
  • Weakness
  • Fever

Consult an Attorney

After being bitten by another person’s dog, inform your attorney of the incident. If the dog bite resulted in serious injuries, an attorney might help you get compensation for all your medical expenses and other losses.

We work diligently and compassionately to give our clients the legal representation they deserve to recover total compensation for their personal injury claims.
Call Us Now –  (812) 247-8416

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