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Indiana Police Are Cracking Down on Drunk Drivers

Indiana Police Are Cracking Down on Drunk Drivers

Every year, hundreds of people in the state of Indiana are killed in drunk driving accidents. This number only increases during the holiday season when countless people get on the road after drinking with friends and loved ones. To curb the epidemic of drunk driving, police officers have announced a zero-tolerance policy during the holiday season.

How Are Officers Trying to Keep People Safe on the Road?

In 2019, there were over 400 drunk driving accidents in the month of December alone. Over 100 people were injured, and 11 people lost their lives. As a result, officers in Indiana are tightening the restrictions on drunk drivers. They’ve announced a zero-tolerance policy for anyone who drives under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you’ve been drinking, expect to get pulled over, and the consequences might include fines and jail time.

This also includes people who are under the influence of drugs whether it’s an illegal drug like heroin or a medication that was prescribed to them by a doctor but shouldn’t be taken prior to driving. Anything that inhibits your ability to operate a vehicle safely could cause a motor vehicle accident. The police will be patrolling the highways and looking for signs of impaired driving like veering off the road and weaving between lanes.

The police will also be on the lookout for people who aren’t wearing their seat belt. Studies have shown that more than half the people who died in car crashes in 2019 weren’t wearing their seat belt.

What Can You Do if You’re Hit by a Drunk Driver?

During the holiday season, the number of drunk drivers on the road seems to skyrocket. If you come across a drunk driver, an ordinary trip to visit family members could end in a catastrophic accident. After such an accident, an attorney may help you seek compensation for your physical and emotional damages.

We work diligently and compassionately to give our clients the legal representation they deserve to recover total compensation for their personal injury claims.
Call Us Now –  (812) 247-8416

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