Don’t Go It Alone, Call McGlone​

Don’t Go It Alone, Call McGlone​

When The Unexpected Happens


When The Unexpected Happens


Are Semitruck Tires More Dangerous in Hot Weather?
Motor Vehicle Accidents

Are Semitruck Tires More Dangerous in Hot Weather?

Indiana has some notoriously sweltering summertime temperatures. In fact, according to Weather Spark, the state capital’s average high temperature does not drop below 80 degrees until well into September. Staying cool and drinking enough fluids are only part of staying safe when temperatures are searing. You also must be careful when…

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Why Are Left Turns Deadly for Motorcyclists?
Motorcycle Accidents

Why Are Left Turns Deadly for Motorcyclists?

Motorcyclists often face dangers on the road that other drivers do not even stop to consider. For example, even taking a turn could lead to negative consequences for a motorcyclist. In particular, one type of turn holds a higher risk factor than the other. Turning left can end up putting…

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Motorcycle Passengers More Prone to Head Injuries Than Drivers
Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Passengers More Prone to Head Injuries Than Drivers

Motorcycle Passengers More Prone to Head Injuries Than Drivers Riding a motorcycle in Indiana involves a certain degree of risk, and even the most experienced motorcycle drivers may not be able to avoid crashing under certain conditions. When motorcycles do crash, head injuries are a frequent result. Research shows that…

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Teen Drivers, Teen Passengers a Deadly Combination
Car Accidents

Teen Drivers, Teen Passengers a Deadly Combination

Teen drivers across Indiana and the rest of the nation lack the experience that older drivers have. Many teen motorists also engage in dangerous driving behaviors that endanger everyone they come across. Research shows that another factor – the presence of a teenage passenger – also heightens risks for teen…

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What Are Signs A Car May Shift Into Your Lane?
Car Accidents

What Are Signs a Car May Shift Into Your Lane?

Given that motorcycles are smaller vehicles, you have to be extra alert when you take your motorcycle out for a ride. Many cyclists suffer auto accidents because a car driver was not watching for small vehicles like motorcycles. For instance, you may be riding in a lane when suddenly, another…

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What Are Common Causes of Boating Accidents?
General Blog

What Are Common Causes of Boating Accidents?

The warm-weather season brings a rush to get boats back in the water. While you may enjoy spending time on Indiana lakes, you may also find yourself a boating accident victim. As the temperature rises, so do the number of boaters. How can you keep yourself and others safe while enjoying time…

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